Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Here’s a quick, mid-week update, just ‘cause.  Shut up, I don’t have to explain myself to you!

…I think the longer I keep this blog up without any actual readers, the more schizophrenic I am going to become.  I am okay with that.

Anyways, my free log-in period under the current returning player promotion is just about up, so I have been thinking about the best way to start spending money on the game.  For a while I had been trying to decide whether to buy Heavensward now, or wait and just get Stormblood once it releases (it comes with HW); as excited as I am to play through the HW story quests, I am leaning towards the latter, it is just too cost effective to pass up.

I was also on the fence about whether to re-sub immediately, or wait about a week for my wedding to finally be done, and allow my bank account to recuperate after all of the wedding spending.  At first I was going to wait, but then SE announced its Amazon promotion with the new glamour items and cloud mount.  Dammit SE, just shut up and take my money! 

I thought I was going to have to pass up the promotion because I couldn’t justify spending the money, but to my surprise one of my work supervisors gave me a $50 Amazon gift card for completing a big project we had been working on together!  To be honest, I feel a little bit weird accepting gifts for the work I am already getting paid to do, but at the same time I was really excited to use the gift card to purchase some game time and also get the promotional items.  And the only thing more awkward than receiving the gift would be rejecting it, so I guess I should just make sure to thoroughly express my gratitude.

I am a very lucky person.  I was raised by a good family; I was given enough advantages to be successful, but not so many advantages that I never learned how to be self-sufficient; I am healthy and (relatively) young; I am not just employed, but on an actual career path with room to grow;  I am in a healthy relationship with a beautiful woman who is willing to spend the rest of her life with me…these are all the things that run through my head and actually make me feel a little bit guilty when even more good things fall on my lap, such as an unexpected Amazon gift card.  At least I know I am not taking all these things for granted.

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